Down with the white man.

People do not want to hear the truth. Not about themselves or the world around them.  We have arrived to a time in our existence where EGO is everything.  Politically correct really means : “Walk softly around someones EGO”  Politicians do not get elected into office because of the bravery in speaking the truth. They are PAID to massage the general mass EGO of our society. Why are you soooo proud to be an American? because some white guy came from another country and bullied thier way into a land ALREADY inhabited by natives and created war in order to draw a line in the damn dirt to say”This is now MY land” Does anyone ever ask WHY we are really here? A line drawn in the sand should have NO bearing on whether you are an American or not. You are a part of the HUMAN race. There are no boundaries in the night sky. There are no borders beyond this world that allow you to proclaim your stake in anything. What does ANYONE really OWN?? Im disgusted in this moment of people’s blind obedience to the “American Way”. HOw easy is it for YOU to obtain your fuel, your water, your food? What have you really done to be so proud of? How many people across the planet suffer at your hands so that you may enjoy convenience, technology, effortless nourishment?  What have you REALLY taught your children? To work hard for a system that will ultimately find a place in the consumer world for them once they are grown? What if it all changed? What would you do if suddenly you could NOT go to a grocery store and buy all your shitty tv dinners?  What if there was no longer ANY electricity to buy? How would you survive? How do you think much of the rest of the planet survives? Why did you choose to see that animals are of lesser value than human life? What is your life about really? If you spent more time on these matters then you would surely not have near the time to stress about how you will afford to pay your bills.  So your kid is an honor roll student. What the hell will that mean in the here after?  Yet you blow up your kids egos with false praises and unearned accolades brainwashing them into believing they are amazing and to believe they should be PROUD to be an American. This country will step on anyone and anything in the world to further its plan for progress. How did civilization survive this far without the almighty dollar?  We spend all our time raising money for causes that could be worthless if we would only STOP making choices which create the need to create the almighty cause.  The white man has time and again proven to be the major culprit in every war, every environmental disaster, every racial uprising or oppression, every DIS EASE we have today is a result of choices made by the white man to further technology.  There was never an epidemic of ADHD or bi polar disorder as there is today. The poor folk are NOT the drain on society you have been programmed to believe. Its the rich , gluttonous white man who distorts everything so that it may be easier to have more than everyone else. There is NO food shortage contrary to all the claims made by charities inundating the cable channels around the globe. Americans WASTE more food they share.  We strip the lands of other people of nutrients and vital medicines so that we may have more gold to sell. We dump more toxic waste into communities so that you have easier access to fuel for your automobile. Most of us born into this way of life have to fight twice as hard to live more mindful of others or fight even harder to get out so that we do not continue to feed the monster the “American Way ” has created. I live in a household with a budget of nearly one hundred thousand dollars. Yet, i’m expected to bring in money to add to this pile of money in order to gain ANY respect from my in laws or our friends in the community.  Unless their is a dollar figure attached to my life then i do not count. I am considered a burden on someone in this out of control financial world we live in.  To walk away means to walk away from my children who are already programmed into this way of life. To walk away is to leave my husband who is an even bigger blind slave to the money monster yet evolving in his path his own way and a wonderful human being undeserving of being abandoned because his wife hates bowing down to this greedy nation. Noone respects the man who is willing to live with nothing and scale back the life of the American consumer. If you want the poisons and chemicals kept out of your food it will cost you twice as much money.  Which requires you to work twice as hard to pay for it. You live like this day in and day out to eventually die leaving nothing behind but bills or money you didnt  spend.To question this madness is to throw yourselves to the white man for judgement and ridicule.  Americans fight about healthcare when the TRUTH is YOU DO NOT NEED IT PEOPLE.  YOu need to eat less crap and get off your ass and burn off the cholesterol and calories by working hard and let your body operate the way it was CREATED to operate.  Diabetes does not have to exist AT ALL.   Heart DIS EASE is your body telling you that you are living wrong. Why are there so many people wearing prescription glasses?  Our world tells us we need all this healthcare and all these shots and all this fake medicine to really say that we were created to be an INFERIOR creation and unless humans intervene then we will NOT survive? bullshit. Thats right. I am calling bullshit. Yet many believe we are the master of all creation on this planet and plants and animals are beneath us.(How would you live if not for the animals and plants you eat?) Imagine how well the rest of life on this planet has faired WITHOUT regular doctor visits and human intervention. IN SPITE of humans involvement in this world its a MIRACLE that life has sustained itself thus far.  Even the so called ENVIRONMENTAL activists will drive across thirteen states to stand and protest against big oil.. Wake up dumbass…the cause you stand for is forcing you to still feed the monster you fight against!  God forbid we suggest people turn off air conditioning. scale back to live OFF the land and WITH the land. Then who would get to be the big shot if everyone were truly equal?  Why are you really proud of your kids who have grown to be successful artists or businessmen and women or wealthy homeowners?  Why are they better than anyone else? because they are further ahead in the money game? they have learned to be better consumers of garbage? Its graduation time and all i hear is how PROUD everyone is that their kids are graduating. If you really think about it…why is that something to be proud of? What are you inspiring your children to be for others? How do they contribute to the over peace and unity of EVERYONE? Is my life better because i live in a three story house and own six cars and look flashy and dazzling in the family photo?  No WONDER everyone is depressed and on some kind of pill or addicted to alcohol , porn, shopping, dieting.  WAKE UP! This planet can only endure so much abuse before it revolts on us all. You watch the evening news with devastation over 250,000 lost souls killed from a tsunami. Yet you do not question why it happened or if it was a result of something that COULD have been prevented(choices YOU made).  You forget about the hundreds of thousands still suffering years later.  You might put a dollar in the bucket at the checkout counter to support relief efforts in devastated areas but overall you end up falling back into your daily lifestyle completely oblivious of the direct CONNECTION of your life choices and the ultimate demise of people who choose or born into a lifestyle that lives in harmony with this land we ALL call home.  i titled this rant “down with the white man” only to get your feathers in a ruffle. To get your attention.  Will you protect your ego so as to feel better about what you do NOT do for others or will you dare to ask yourself the questions i have proposed here? Until more people stand up for what is overall the good for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING….the ego wins and this life as we know it has been one huge waste of time created by something big and magical. We all deserve to know the truth. Can you really handle it? What are you going to do about it? I challenge you to consider doing something beyond attending some ridiculous occupy wallstreet event(faithfully taking a stop by WALMART to buy all your shit to camp out in the middle of some city proving to be as big of a contradiction in terms than you realize) true dat.